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Soft Skills: The Secret Weapon in the AI Age

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So that’s settled. After much debate about AI, its immense potential, and its possibility to replace numerous jobs, organisations worldwide are now implementing AI solutions to enhance productivity, efficiency, and speed of service delivery. A sense of harmony appears to have been established between AI and humans. AI professionals are in high demand globally. Yet, reports suggest that in this increasingly AI-driven era, hiring managers are placing greater emphasis on soft skills than ever before.


However, a curious paradox emerges here: in an increasingly AI-driven world, the value of human qualities is on the rise. It seems that as technology advances, the need for genuine human connection and interaction becomes even more critical. 


Rise of AI and Changing Job Landscape

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming industries worldwide, leading to a dynamic shift in the job landscape. AI applications are becoming increasingly sophisticated, from healthcare systems analysing medical images to financial institutions employing AI for fraud detection and algorithmic trading. In customer service, AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are handling routine inquiries, freeing human agents to focus on complex issues.


While AI undoubtedly enhances productivity, it’s essential to recognize its limitations. While AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns, it falls short when it comes to human empathy, creativity, and critical thinking. These uniquely human qualities remain indispensable across various sectors.


Consider a customer service representative. Once, their job involved face-to-face interactions, requiring empathy, patience, and interpersonal skills. Today, many of these interactions are handled by chatbots. However, complex customer issues often require a human touch. Take, for example, a recent experience Nita had with a customer support agent. After struggling with a technical issue for hours, Nita was on the verge of giving up. When Nita finally connected with a human representative, their empathetic tone and willingness to listen immediately eased her frustration. They patiently guided me through the solution, and their genuine concern for her problem made all the difference.


A recent study found that customers are more satisfied when their issues are resolved by a human agent who can connect with them on an emotional level. This highlights the irreplaceable value of soft skills, such as empathy, communication, and problem-solving, in an increasingly automated world.

What are soft skills? Soft Skills Vs Hard Skills

Have you ever gone through a JD carefully? If you have, you might have noticed that all JDs will have a combination of hard skills and soft skills. So what are these skills?

Soft skills are  interpersonal abilities. They are personality traits that help one  navigate through the workplace smoothly adding value to the organisation. Examples include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership.

Whereas Hard skills are the technical proficiencies. They are the tools one uses to do one’s job. Examples include data analysis, programming, or financial modelling.


For instance, an AI engineer might possess exceptional technical expertise, but the ability to communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders (a soft skill) is equally vital for project success.


Soft Skills in an AI Era

A recent LinkedIn Learning report placed a plethora of soft skills as the most in-demand skills  in the AI Era, in 2024. 

In fact 9 out of 10 global executives surveyed agreed that soft skills (human or durable skills) are more important than ever. In fact communication, customer service and leadership are the top three skills in employees that will help the business to move towards its goals.



A recent Indeed study underscores a burgeoning demand for soft skills within India’s BFSI sector. Communication skills, unsurprisingly, reign supreme on this list. This trend is mirrored by a broader industry focus: an overwhelming 94% of Indian companies are prioritising skill enhancement to navigate the AI revolution, with soft skills at the core of their strategies.

The famous futurist, board advisor and author, Bernard Marr underlines the importance of soft skills in the AI driven era thus “ The skills essential for staying relevant in the future can be divided into two groups. Broadly speaking, we can refer to these as AI skills and human soft skills.Firstly, having AI skills doesn’t necessarily mean becoming an AI engineer or data scientist. Instead, it involves the ability to use AI effectively, augmenting our own abilities and overseeing its output. This means becoming an effective AI collaborator, delegator, and supervisor. Secondly, human soft skills represent abilities that AI either can’t do yet or can’t do as well as humans. These skills are rooted in the qualities that have made humans so successful as a species in evolutionary terms. They allow us to work together, solve complex problems using diverse data, navigate social situations, creatively solve problems, critically evaluate progress, and create emotional connections with others.” 

In the Future of Jobs 2023 report, WEF(World Economic Forum) several soft skills are in high demand, and those who possess them earning a much higher salary.

Source :WEF(World Economic Forum)

It is reported that in the next five years that is during 2023 to 2027, several soft skills, especially cognitive skills will grow in significance, these being the game changer in every hiring decision that will be made. Technological literacy is third on the list. 

Source :WEF(World Economic Forum)

Specific soft skills required industry-wise

Some of the industries where soft skills are growing in increasing importance are 

Electronics: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Analytical, Communication, Interpersonal, Leadership, Ethics, collaboration

Beauty, Self Care, and Well Being: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Analytical, Communication, Interpersonal, Leadership, Ethics, Technology, Collaboration 

Media, Entertainment, Sports: Creativity , Critical Thinking, Analytical, Communication, Interpersonal, Leadership, Ethics

Information Technology: Creativity , Critical Thinking, Analytical, Communication, Interpersonal, Leadership, Ethics, Technology

Hospitality: Communication, Interpersonal, Customer Service

Education & Training: Communication, Interpersonal, Customer Service, Leadership, collaboration, Ethics

Automotive & Aerospace: Leadership, technology, ethics, collaboration

Retail: Communication, Interpersonal, Customer Service

Soft skills in AI Era

Some of the key soft skills in AI era are

  1. Emotional Intelligence: AI may be able to analyse emotions, but it cannot truly empathise. Human employees with strong emotional intelligence can build trust, resolve conflicts, and foster positive relationships – essential for any successful organisation.
  2. Critical Thinking & Problem Solving: AI can analyse tons of data and identify patterns, but decision making using the analysis output is solely a human activity.
  3. Creativity and Innovation: AI excels at data analysis and pattern recognition, but its capabilities are confined to the realm of existing information. Humans, on the other hand, possess the unique ability to conceptualise novel ideas and solutions.
  4. Communication: Effective communication is the cornerstone of collaboration. As teams become more diverse and distributed, the ability to articulate ideas clearly and concisely, both verbally and written, becomes paramount.
  5. Adaptability: The AI landscape is constantly evolving. Those who can embrace change, learn new skills, and adapt to new challenges will thrive. Soft skills like flexibility and resilience are crucial for navigating this dynamic environment

Hiring for professionals with soft skills 

Focusing solely on hard skills when recruiting can be a costly mistake. While technical proficiency is essential, it’s equally important to consider a candidate’s soft skills. Hiring individuals with strong technical backgrounds but lacking in interpersonal abilities can lead to challenges in team dynamics, project collaboration, and overall organisational culture.

Identifying candidates with strong soft skills can be challenging. Traditional resumes and interviews often focus on hard skills and accomplishments, making it difficult to assess these intangible qualities. To address this, organisations are increasingly turning to behavioural interviews, assessments, and simulations to evaluate candidates’ soft skills.

Some of the ways to evaluate a candidate’s soft skills are:

  • Defining essential soft skills: Clearly outlining the soft skills required for specific roles.
  • Using behavioral-based interviews: Assessing candidates’ past behaviours to predict future performance.
  • Leveraging assessments: Employing personality and aptitude tests to identify soft skill strengths.
  • Building a strong company culture: Fostering an environment that values and rewards soft skills.

As AI continues to evolve, the demand for individuals with strong soft skills will only increase. While technology is undoubtedly transforming the workplace, it is the human element that will continue to drive success. Soft skills are the differentiator that sets exceptional employees apart. By recognising and nurturing these skills, individuals and organisations can thrive in the age of AI.

PeopleLogic Opinion

 As AI continues to reshape the business landscape, the value of human connection and ingenuity becomes increasingly apparent. Soft skills are the essential complement to technological advancements, driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and ensuring ethical decision-making. By investing in the development of these skills, organisations can create a workforce that is not only technically proficient but also adaptable, empathetic, and capable of navigating the complexities of the future.


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