PeopleLogic Business Solutions (P) Ltd.,


 From Click to Customer: Decoding the D2C Phenomenon

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin Meet Priya Sharma, a 30-year-old former corporate executive who left her cushy job to start her own skincare brand, leveraging the power of social media and e-commerce platforms or  Meenu, a 28-year-old digital native, starts her day by scrolling through her favourite homegrown brands on Instagram, marveling at …

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Cleantech Revolution: Powering a Sustainable Future

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin Imagine a world where our cities hum with electric vehicles, sunlight powers our homes, and factories capture carbon emissions. This isn’t science fiction, it’s the future being built by the Cleantech industry, a revolutionary force tackling climate change with innovation.  As countries around the world race to achieve …

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Global Finance’s Best Kept Secret: Why India’s BFSI GCCs are Here to Stay

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin Goldman Sachs, a powerhouse in investment banking, has transformed its India presence. From a back-office of 300 in 2004, it now boasts a 9,500+ strong workforce across Bengaluru and Hyderabad managing complex functions beyond IT. Their recent Center of Excellence in Hyderabad cements India’s position as their largest …

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Logistics Industry in India

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin The Indian logistics sector is currently on a phenomenal ride. Picture this: a young entrepreneur in Noida dispatches a hand-woven rug to a customer in California. In a matter of days, the rug travels seamlessly through a complex network of trucks, trains, and potentially even airplanes, before reaching …

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Shooting for the Stars: India’s Space Tech Ambitions

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin On May 29th, 2024, India’s space program took a historic step forward. Agnikul Cosmos, an Indian spacetech startup successfully launched the world’s first rocket with a single-piece 3D printed engine, from its own launchpad Dhanush at Sriharikota at 7:15 am on Wednesday. This marks a significant milestone not …

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Beyond the Cloud: Why the Edge is the New Frontier in Computing

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin Imagine this: You’re online, ready to snag that limited-edition gadget you’ve been eyeing. You pull out your phone, heart pounding with excitement, and… nothing. Your payment gets stuck in a download purgatory, thanks to a spotty internet connection. Sound familiar? In today’s hyper-connected world, even with the promise …

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Your Personal Delivery Genie: The Rise Of Q-commerce

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin Remember the days of shopping drudgery? Making lists, planning trips, and hoping you didn’t forget anything – only to realise you did and face another trek to the store. Forget that! Today’s all about instant gratification and impulse buying,  thanks to quick commerce, or Q-commerce, a rapidly growing …

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Cybersecurity: Defending The Digital Frontier

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin As we move closer to 2024, it is becoming increasingly clear that the world has become more connected than ever before. Businesses are connected; employees in an organisation work collaboratively on a given project sitting in different locations, thanks to cloud computing. The digital transformation wave is sweeping …

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Blockchain technology, the new kid on the block?

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Share This Story Read This On Linkedin Recently, an interesting piece of news about the e-forensic application of the Delhi Forensic Science Laboratory (DFSL) and the Delhi Police, adopting blockchain technology, to create an unchangeable and transparent record of the chain of custody for evidence, was published in a popular newspaper. This sure was an …

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